Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Binary Stream Gas Analysers

Binary Stream Gas Analysers

About the 20 Series

The 20 Series Thermal Conductivity gas analyser was developed for the determination of binary gas mixtures and gas purity measurements. This analyser compares the difference in the thermal conductivity between the sample and reference gases, which are exposed to the detector elements.

Principle of Operation
Using Hotwire or thermistor elements, an analyser which has accuracy and sensitivity, coupled with a robust platform is achieved with a response time of < 30 second (T90).

Produced as bench top Gas Analyser (option for 19” rack platform), with all stainless steel tubing with Swagelok fittings allows this analyser to be used in many environments. We customise each analyser to meet the specific requirements of our customer. Utilising the option of a pump, the analysis of samples where the gas pressure is very low is possible.

What does the 20 Series offer
The Binary Stream Gas Analyser from AGC Instruments is used for the analysis of binary streams of industrial gases, cylinder identification & atmosphere control applications on a non continuous basis.

Models Available
Two types are available (1) single pass (sealed reference/gas economical) analyser or a (2) dual pass (flowing reference/more thermally stable) analyser. Both with a flowmeter & needle valve, a pump (optional), and a 5 way valve for zero, span/calibration & sample gases, the units are built for rugged use and simple to use.

About the 50 Series
The newest model of the legendary Binary Stream Gas Analyser from AGC Instruments is used to measure N2, H2, He, CO2, Ar or other gases in Binary gas mixtures or pure gases. We monitor impurities in a major gas based on the difference of thermal conductivities.

Using hotwire or thermistor elements, an analyser which has accuracy and sensitivity, coupled with a robust platform is achieved with a response time of < 30 second (T90). To interface with the analyser is via the new 5.7” QVGA LCD touch screen display, where all status, alarm conditions, diagnostics and direct reading of results are available with ease.

Using a high quality flow detection devices with Alarms, the gas flows are measured & displayed to the LCD display ensuring accuracy and stability to allow great confidence in all results.

The 50 Series model contains a temperature regulated TCD which allows continuous monitoring of the gas stream. Through the use of solenoid valves, drift has been eliminated as a constant reference to Zero Gas is utilised for greater accuracy. Using temperature control of the measuring sensor, excellent stability is guaranteed with <1% drift over a 24 hour period.

Principle of Operation
The Detector consists of an electrically heated hotwire (or thermistor) element in a temperature regulated metal housing. The detection principle is based on any change in the thermal conductivity of a gas flowing through the detector will change the rate of heat loss from the element to the metal housing. The signal resulting from the temperature change is proportional to the change in sample gas conductivity.

• 5.7” QVGA LCD Display
• Alarm/Fault Status LED
• Direct value reading - % or ppm
• Debug Diagnostic function
• Autovalidation/Autocheck
• Choice of TC Detectors
• Low Sensitivity
• Temperature Controllers option
• Solenoids for Switching of Auto Zero/Span Gas
• 2 off 4-20 mA outputs
• Alarm Status

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